”Everybody loves good adventure games!” This is the founding prospect behind Fad Games. After getting fed up with office work Markus decided to fulfill his childhood dream of creating an adventure game. He searched far and beyond for the createst talent and the adventure of creating adventure games began...

Markus Törnqvist
Co-founder of Duunitori and IT consultant of over 10 years. As the founder of Fad Games Markus takes care of it all.
- Programmer
- Game designer

Jarmo Puskala
After 15 years in the film industy Jarmo brings his story telling talent and world building vision to adventure games.
- Game designer
- Writer
- Iron Sky creator

Juha Harju
Decorated comic artist and professional illustrator jumped into the role of AD to create the visual world of Iron Sky adventure games.
- Game designer
- Art director